How to choose between photovoltaic smart tracking bracket and fixed bracket?

How to choose between photovoltaic smart tracking bracket and fixed bracket?


The principle of the photovoltaic smart tracker is to make the solar panel change with the angle of the sun and keep facing the sun at all times, so that the sun's rays illuminate the power unit of the solar panel directly. The use of solar trackers can maximize the power generation efficiency of solar photovoltaic modules. In daily life, how should we choose photovoltaic smart tracking brackets and fixed brackets?

How to choose between photovoltaic smart tracking bracket and fixed bracket?

In terms of power station investment, it should be considered from the cost and profit factors of the power station, whether to choose a photovoltaic intelligent tracking bracket or a fixed bracket. If the construction needs to increase the cost of the site by 20%, it must be ensured that the increase in production capacity is higher than 30%, so that the tracking system will have considerable profits. Therefore, for large and medium-sized projects, the profit of using photovoltaic smart tracking brackets is very considerable. Intelligent trackers are usually divided into two categories according to the different driving forms: the first type is automatic tracking through motor control; the second type is tracking through physical thermal expansion technology (passive tracking).

With the optical calculation software, mechanical structure testing and theoretical combing in recent years, the tracker has formed a mature control system. Therefore, currently, astronomical/digital software combined with simple mechanical system management (active tracking) is generally used to develop professional and reliable products. Compared with other solutions, active tracking drive is currently the best technology and the most economical method.

In addition, the requirements of the photovoltaic intelligent tracking bracket are similar to those of other fixed brackets, and the same requirements are strict: the sturdy structure is beneficial to resist wind pressure, snow pressure, earthquakes and corrosion, and it can work normally in harsh environments for more than 25 years. In addition, all brackets and tracking systems must meet some standards of the project location, including structure, components, compression specifications, environmental indicators, and so on. These indicators require tracker manufacturers to conduct more and more in-depth research to make better solutions for solar tracking bracket systems.

The method of tracking the energy emitted by the sun according to the sensor is called the photovoltaic intelligent tracking bracket system, and the accuracy of sun tracking can be guaranteed in this way. But the limitation is also relatively large, only suitable for sunny weather. The method of tracking through solar ephemeris data related to the coordinates of the installation site is called astronomical algorithm. This mode of operation can ensure higher power output and centralized installation of power stations. This tracking method is also suitable in cloudy conditions and can ensure accurate tracking.

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