California Policy Makes Going Solar More Affordable Than Ever

California Policy Makes Going Solar More Affordable Than Ever


Congress Increases Solar Incentives In 2024


Power companies are blaming Massive Government Savings Programs for losing customers every day. The Governments Inflation Reduction Act allows American homeowners to go solar by reducing the cost of solar panel installations. Some homeowners are even able to go solar for $0 out of pocket.


In the past two years, the cost of solar panels has dropped extremely, allowing solar to become a big cost-saving tool for homeowners rather than just a benefit for the environment. Both State and Federal governments understand the importance of Solar Powered Homes and provide homeowners in qualified zip codes $1,000s of dollars in benefits and provide programs that can cover up to 100% of the costs of new solar panel installations.

 solar energy

Will These Programs Work for Me?

Solar panels are far cheaper today than they were just 10 years ago. Combined with the Government Savings Programs, a new solar panel installation is more affordable than ever. This means that millions of homeowners all over the United States, who could previously not afford it, are now able to power their house with clean solar energy.


Homeowners that qualify for this new program are able to go solar by reducing the cost of solar panel installations, as low as $0 per project. With the current rebates, many homeowners were already able to install solar panels. They are now saving $1,000s of dollars on their electric bill, without making any investment upfront!

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